The Smith Mine MontanaThe Smith Coal Mine, located between Washoe and Bearcreek, brings many memories to folks in Montana. Visitors to the area also learn of the significance of the mine. Mining began in the valleys of Bearcreek and Washoe during the late 1880s.

Coal from the mines were carried by horses to the Red Lodge and placed on railcars. During the early 1900s, the Bearcreek Line was adding to the railroad which allowed for increased production as well as more people residing in the area. The population exploded and mining continued until early in 1943.

Seventy-seven miners were hard at work during one day in February. Then, an explosion occurred killing 74 out of the 77 miners on duty that day. Historically, this mining disaster is the worst known to the state of Montana. Unfortunately, coal mining from that area would never regain its strength and vigor.

Many tourists come to see what is left of the Smith Coal Mine. They learn of the history of the coal mining exploding industry along with the disaster which took the lives of those dedicated to coal mining life.

Many attractions exist in the Historic Carbon County, Montana. Along with the Smith Coal Mine, tourists will see the Railroad Depots, Beartooth Highway, the Joliet Bank, old town sites, and more. Early on the area was more resourceful than any other place nearby; many people lived in the area unknowing to what would occur one day in February 1943. History would be forever changed.

Photo Information: This photo is provided by and given credit to m01229 – on with permission via Creative Commons Licensing.


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