Montana holds thousands of rivers and lakes within the state. Nearly 500 miles of the state’s rivers are known for their top rated trout fishing. Visitors from all over the United States come to fish in the area.

The rivers and lakes of Montana provide many more benefits to those living in the area as well as to those who visit. A vast number of people come to the area for unlimited recreation including boating, skiing, and simply enjoying the great outdoors.

Water from the lakes and rivers also provide benefits for those who grow crops and raise cattle across the state. Water consumption is of high quality and it is even used wisely for hydropower.

Montana Lake Sunset

Within the state of Montana, there are over 3,200 named waters and basins. The state holds one of the largest natural freshwater lakes in the West United States. Some of the major ones include Whitefish Lake, Hungry Horse, Lake Elwell, and Lake Koocanusa.

Viewing Montana’s natural lakes and forest lands is a wonderful way to ensure nature at its best. The area is a great place to plan your vacation and destination dreams. While planning time to see the area, considering Montana’s lakes and rivers is a plus whether you enjoy fishing, water sports, or just viewing the great outdoors!

Photo Information: This photo is provided by and given credit to Clearly Ambiguous – on with permission via Creative Commons Licensing.


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