Kerr Dam Reservoir

In 2015, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes will have the option to buy the Kerr Dam which will provide significant benefits to the tribes. The benefits gained will be in an economical light as well as a cultural light. The Pend d’Oreille tribes will also have access to the benefits of the purchase.

In 1938, the Rocky Mountain Power Company was built against the will of many of the tribal members. Now, the tribes will be gaining the benefits of the expansion which occurred during that time.

Daniel Howlett is one tribal member who is working in conjunction with the current project. He is the power marketing coordinator for the energy company. He is originally from the local area and left to go to Denver to complete his studies in business and management of renewable energy.

The energy company will be offering over one million megawatt hours of electricity from Kerr Dam yearly. This is enough power to provide electricity to nearly 80,000 homes annually.

This opportunity to the tribes is a positive benefit in taking back the land they once owned. It will provide long lasting benefits to the Montana area as well as hold the tribes cultural roots.

Photo Information: This photo is provided by and given credit to Government & Heritage Library, State Library of NC – on with permission via Creative Commons Licensing.


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